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Internet Coupon
Print off this Internet Coupon
and receive $5 off
your pet(s) next groom!
*Only one coupon per family please.

Other Specials!
Preferred Client Reward

As a thank you for choosing Kips's Canine Cuts we will:

Take $10 OFF your pet's

10th grooming session!


Take $20 OFF your pet's

20th grooming session!


...And so on & so forth...



If a new client lets us know that you have referred them to us, we will send you a $5 OFF coupon!

...each & every time...

Happy Birthday

If you notify us of your pet's birthday:

He/she will receive some special

treats + a coupon during the

month of their birthday!

See "Pet Birthdays" for monthly postings!

KIP'S CANINE CUTS * Professional MOBILE Pet Grooming * 1-608-778-4382
"Stress-Free Convenience in Your Driveway!"